Ramsay Chiropractic & Laser Clinic

Relieving ​Pain is Just ​The Begin​ning
Welcome to Ramsay Chiropractic & Laser Clinic
Welcome to Ramsay Chiropractic & Laser Clinic
We are a family based Chiropractic and Health clinic based in Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne. We use Chiropractic adjustments, Cold Laser Therapy, Rehabilitation and advice about lifestyle and ergonomic changes to help you get better and keep you better for longer. We have also added brand new treatments like Prolozone therapy, ozone and even rejuvenation treatments like PRP Hair and Face to the clinic.
Most patients visit a chiropractor because of pain. On your first visit you will have a consultation, examination and treatment. Sometimes to aid the diagnosis we may request an X Ray, MRI scan or other tests.
Cold Laser Therapy
Cold Laser Therapy is used to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation in a natural and painless way. We use it in the clinic for patients with soft tissue injuries, joint conditions and unresponsive spinal conditions.
PRP Injections
PRP Injections
Platelet Rich Plasma is an enriched cell that is extracted from your own blood, concentrated and then injected back into the desired treatment area for regeneration. We offer this cosmetically for the face and for thinning & receding hair and to maintain hair transplants/
Ozone Therapy
Ozone Therapy
Ozone therapy involves the injection of a mixture of oxygen and ozone in form of a gas within a site of injury. We are excited to be the leading clinic to offer this for spinal disc herniations, tendon injuries & tears.

Meet Luke Ramsay, he is a Registered Chiropractor and a Board Certified Craniopath and International Lecturer with over 35 years experience. He uses a system called Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) which is gentle and non-invasive. It is a complete system which gently restores movement and function to the pelvis, spine and extremities. He has a vast amount of experience with all aspects of chiropractic but specialises in the treatment of disc herniations, babies and children.
Meet Ann Ramsay our Laser Therapist. She started her complimentary health training 25 years ago when she studied massage and beauty therapy. Over the years she has added other disciplines such as Nutrition, Bach flower remedies and Aromatherapy. More recently in 2019 she concentrated Cold Laser Therapy and she trained with Thor laser. She now offers a wide range of treatments at the clinic from cold laser, to custom FootBalance insoles to more recently our PRP Facial and Hair Rejuvenation treatments.
Our Clinic
Our Clinic
20 Lansdowne Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE3 1HP TEL: 07761403148
20 Lansdowne Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE3 1HP TEL: 07761403148